Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

New West Virginia Law Removes Sales Tax On Guns, Ammo :: 04/10/2021

While California Democrats are looking to jack up the taxes on guns and ammunition in their latest attempt to punish those exercising their Second Amendment rights, the Republicans in charge of the West Virginia legislature are moving in the opposite direction. On Thursday, Gov. Jim Justice signed H.R. 2499 into law, which will remove the state’s sales tax on firearms and ammunition starting on July 1st.


Private sales emerge as obstacle to Senate action on guns :: 04/10/2021

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats in Congress are trying to pass the first major gun control legislation in more than two decades with the support of President Joe Biden, who said Thursday that it is “long past time” to do so. But they are confronting a potentially insurmountable question over what rules should govern private sales and transfers, including those between friends and extended family, as they seek Republican votes.


What Hillary Gets Wrong in Her Gun Control Push – Again :: 04/10/2021

Hillary Clinton just can’t help herself. Never mind that her tone-deaf demand for gun control caused gun owners to come out in record numbers to deny her an all-but-assured White House victory in 2016. She’s doubling down.


Biden's Many False Claims on Gun Violence :: 04/09/2021

President Biden’s press conference on guns was filled with inaccuracies and false claims. Ironically, during the campaign last year, Biden disparaged the use of executive orders, “if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy.” Even more importantly, the changes are arbitrary and won’t make Americans safer.


Get Them While You Can: Biden Announces Gun-control Executive Orders "Banning” Pistol Braces, "Ghost Guns" :: 04/09/2021

Gun-control advocates who have been waiting for President Biden to take action and begin infringing upon Americans’ right to keep and bear arms were pleased with his announcement on Thursday of several new executive orders he will be taking to, as he said, help end the “epidemic” of gun violence in the country.


Some Asian Americans Consider Guns Amid Wave Of Attacks On Their Community :: 04/09/2021

There have been several different responses to the rise in violent crimes against Asian Americans. Some Asian Americans are going out in public less, out of fear for their own safety. Others are organizing community programs to escort the elderly. And one group in Southern California is thinking about a very different response - taking up arms in self-defense. NPR's John Ruwitch reports.


The Threat of DRM-Infused Home Gunbuilding :: 04/09/2021

Many of us bore witness this week to what seemed like the entire firearms community coming down on a single man. The issues were multi-faceted, from allegations of collaboration with gun controllers to straight-up gun control advocacy. The veracity of most of these claims are disputed, but there is one issue that deeply concerned us: the threat of top-down, digital rights management (DRM)-type controls on home gun building.


By Inflicting Injustice, Biden Further Divides America :: 04/08/2021

 Biden’s plans to punish both those who build firearms for themselves and those who own AR-15 pistols (or other pistols based on modern, multi-purpose semiautomatic rifles) for crimes and acts of madness aren’t going to bring about any unity. Nor should they – these actions are a deliberate infliction of injustice on law-abiding Americans, and the infliction of injustice has consequences.


Fear of law changes keep gun sales soaring in Pennsylvania :: 04/08/2021

For the third quarter in a row, the Pennsylvania State Police are reporting a new record in the point-of-sale background checks required before most gun sales, meaning that record interest in firearms sparked by the civil unrest after the George Floyd killing and a contentious election last year has just kept soaring into 2021.


Moms Demand Action Volunteer Betrays Group's Ignorance Of Facts :: 04/08/2021

In New Hampshire, there’s a debate brewing about expanding the state’s Stand Your Ground law. As it currently stands (no pun intended), the law is really more of a Castle Doctrine law. It only applies inside the home, whereas Stand Your Ground tends to apply everywhere else.


4 Reasons Gun Control Can’t Solve America’s Violence Problem :: 04/07/2021

These 4 underlying sociological problems, not guns, are the key drivers of American violence. The gun-control paradigm—the idea that the solution to American violence is more laws restricting guns—is unhelpful.


Carry a Concealed Firearm Because You Can Stop Mass Murder and Save Lives :: 04/07/2021

Doctor John Lott is the president and one of the principal researchers at the Crime Prevention Research Center. Dr. Lott recently reminded us that guns save lives and stop mass murder. I’d forgotten about a few of these incidents, though I’m sure I read a little about them at the time. In contrast, the news media covers mass murderers for days on end. To help offset that media bias, let’s look back only 10 months to see what we did.


Pittsburgh supports Philadelphia in lawsuit against state Firearm Preemption Laws :: 04/07/2021

Pittsburgh city officials this week threw support behind a lawsuit filed last year in Philadelphia challenging Pennsylvania’s Firearm Preemption Laws, alleging they keep the city from combating gun violence and “have forged a state-created danger.”


The Persistent Stupidity of the Gun Control Movement :: 04/07/2021

What makes a mass shooter capable of emotionless, indiscriminate killing remains largely a mystery. Such a depraved act is not within the normal programming of a human being, not even for most hardened criminals. We may never truly understand all the factors, both physiological and environmental, that turn angry people into mass killers, but there is much we do know and can figure out, if common sense is our guide. 


Gun Control Wins Debate...When Advocates Argue With Voices In Their Heads :: 04/06/2021

Far too many people like to “debate” with the voices in their heads. No, I don’t mean they’re insane. What I mean is that they create a strawman version of their opponent, and they debate against them. They come up with arguments that only win against someone who doesn’t really understand the issue at hand. Yet they pride themselves on their dunk; like they’ve just done something.


Ohio's "Stand Your Ground Law" Now In Effect :: 04/06/2021

Get ready to hear lots of claims about the “Wild, Wild West” coming to Ohio from gun control advocates. As of today, residents of the Buckeye State no longer have a duty to retreat when confronted with an attacker, and can stand their ground in self-defense without having to make a split-second decision about whether they are legally allowed to defend themselves.


Report: Black Americans’ Gun Ownership up Nearly 60 Percent :: 04/06/2021

Gun ownership among black Americans is up nearly 60 percent following the record gun sales of 2020.


The political calculus on the gun issue has changed :: 04/06/2021

President Biden will find it difficult - if not impossible - to get bipartisan support in Congress for new gun control measures, like a new assault weapons ban, which passed with bipartisan support in 1994 and expired ten years later.


How Concerned Should 2A Supporters Be About SCOTUS? :: 04/05/2021

The Supreme Court’s public inaction on a hugely important right to carry case has some Second Amendment supporters concerned and convinced that, even with Justice Amy Coney Barrett on the bench, the Court still has no appetite to take a case dealing with the right to keep and bear arms.


Ignored Va. Mass Shooting Gets at Truth: Contrary to Media Narrative, Most Mass Shooters Are NOT White :: 04/05/2021

It has been called the lie that won’t die: that most mass shooters are white. People believe it, too, with carnage committed by whites, such as the Georgia massage-parlor shootings, getting front-page treatment. In contrast, a recent Virginia Beach mass shooting has been largely ignored, and largely for an obvious reason:


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