Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Below The Radar: A Virginia Plan That Deserves Rejection :: 05/23/2021

United States – -( Loyal Ammoland readers who remember history may have heard of the Virginia Plan presented before the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The convention threw a number of its key provisions out, but they salvaged a few items for the Constitution that has worked since 1789.


Bloomberg Columnist: We May Have To Force People To Get Vaccinated :: 05/23/2021

So much for “my body, my choice.” The authoritarianism of Michael Bloomberg and his flunkies is on full display in a new column at the anti-gun billionaire’s personal news network, where columnist Clara Ferreira Marques argues that personal choice and responsibility should take a back seat to government coercion and brute force when it comes to vaccines.


SCOTUS Isn't The Only Supreme Court Taking Up 2A Cases :: 05/23/2021

It’s going to be several more months before the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in a case challenging New York’s subjective “may-issue” licensing laws for those who want to carry a firearm in self-defense, but there are a number of important Second Amendment cases that state Supreme Courts will soon be deciding, and their opinions are likely to have a huge impact in states that have both been historically hostile and supportive of the right to keep and bear arms.


What The Founders Feared :: 05/23/2021

Fox News published an article on March 11 entitled “Defense Secretary Austin overruled National Guard chief on keeping troops at Capitol: memo.” To the average reader, this may appear to be a sensationalized story throwing fuel on the embers of an already-charred issue in our Capitol. But the story captures the growing and troubling divide between the secretary of defense and the chief of the National Guard Bureau over the appropriate use of the National Guard, and reveals a much larger and more concerning dilemma — something our Founding Fathers feared most.


Gun control lacks common sense :: 05/22/2021

The Biden administration has proposed a myriad of “commonsense gun safety laws” which have little to do with common sense. While there is little evidence that supports a correlation between gun control legislation and a decrease in violent crime (in many cases, the opposite is true), Biden has falsely characterized gun violence as a “public health epidemic” and is using this caricature as a springboard to enact new policies that will do little to solve violent crime. Solving gun violence is a complex issue, and putting in place more gun control is not the answer.


Gun Rights Activist Tells Congress Education Can Reduce Shootings, Not More Laws :: 05/22/2021

A gun rights activist told the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Thursday that educating the public about gun safety, providing firearms training, and enforcing existing gun laws are the answers to reducing shootings, not more legislation like the two background check bills that recently passed the House.


Maine Case Shows Another Issue With Red Flag Laws :: 05/22/2021

The idea behind red flag laws is that you take guns away from those who may intend harm to others. Following Parkland, with all the red flags that surrounded the shooter, these laws gained in popularity. We were told they would prevent not just shootings, but also suicide. They’re supposed to be the bee’s knees in preventing so many tragedies.


Pennsylvania: Constitutional Carry Bill to Be Considered Next Week :: 05/22/2021

House Judiciary Chairman Rob Kaufman has announced that he plans to report a constitutional carry bill out of committee next week.  HB 659, by Rep. Aaron Bernstine, removes the requirement for law-abiding individuals to obtain a concealed handgun permit before being allowed to carry concealed for self-defense.  The committee is scheduled to meet Tuesday, May 25 at 10:00 a.m., in Room 140 of the state Capitol.


Armed Citizen Steps In To Stop Harrassment Of Jewish Family :: 05/21/2021

The current fighting between Hamas and Israel has spilled over into the United States this week, and it’s getting ugly out there. In New York City, there were several incidents on Thursday where pro-Palestinian mobs harassed Jewish diners at a restaurant, and apparently even detonated some type of explosive device in the city’s Diamond District.


Colorado Bill Highlights Importance of Preemption Laws :: 05/21/2021

A measure recently approved by a Colorado Senate committee would repeal Colorado’s firearm preemption law—a dangerous action that would undo the years of hard work the NRA Institute for Legislation Action (ILA) has expended shepherding such laws to implementation.


How Totalitarianism Rhymes Throughout History: Czechoslovakia, China, & Venezuela :: 05/21/2021

“It can’t happen here” is a political cliche in the United States. Regardless of your personal viewpoint, there is a vast swath of the American population who simply do not believe in the possibility of any kind of totalitarianism in the United States.


Pennsylvania Voters Become First in U.S. to Strip Their Governor of Emergency Powers :: 05/21/2021

The Keystone State voters became the first in the nation to curb their governor’s emergency powers, approving constitutional amendments proposed by Republican lawmakers angry over Democratic Governor Tom Wolf’s harsh COVID-19 restrictions.


SC Police Chief Worried About New Open Carry Law :: 05/21/2021

I’m always amazed at the people who freak out over open carry. While I’m not a fan of it for strategic reasons, I’m a supporter of it politically. I recognize that it doesn’t represent a threat to anyone and that the Second Amendment says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. It says nothing about an except for deciding how people can carry their guns.


CNN Is Shocked To Learn Gun Owners Aren’t Just Old, White Men :: 05/20/2021

One of the common misconceptions about gun owners is that we’re all old, white men. It’s an image that is frequently perpetuated, especially when the anti-gun Left attacks Americans for wanting to protect their right to keep and bear arms.


Mayor Vowed To Take "Illegal Guns Off The Street". Police Just Found One In Her Home :: 05/20/2021

Rochester, New York Mayor Lovely Warren is a typical Democrat politician when it comes to gun control. She’s complained about the number of “illegal guns on the streets” of the city, supported the state’s draconian gun control laws, and even announced a gun “buyback” earlier this week, claiming once again that “getting guns off our streets must be a priority.”


New "Ghost Guns" Rule To Be Published Tomorrow & Pistol Brace Rule Submitted :: 05/20/2021

The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has sent its new proposed set rules surrounding pistol braces to the White House ahead of publishing the proposed regulations on unfinished frames and receivers.


Second Amendment Rally hosted by Constitutional Republicans :: 05/20/2021

BROOKVILLE — The Constitutional Republicans of Western Pennsylvania held a Second Amendment Rally at the Jefferson County Courthouse lawn on Saturday, drawing a crowd of more than 100 people.


Anti-Gun Activist Complains About Media Bias :: 05/19/2021

One of my pet peeves in this world is media bias. I mean, we all know the media is biased as hell, but far too few people really seem to acknowledge it. Or, if they do, they seem to forget about that bias when the subject changes to something else.


Louisiana, Texas Moving Closer to Constitutional Carry :: 05/19/2021

Louisiana and Texas may soon join the 20 states already removing restrictions on their citizens to lawfully carry their firearms concealed without a permit (often called constitutional carry) .


Mark McCloskey Makes Major Announcement on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' :: 05/19/2021

The already crowded field of Republicans hoping to replace Missouri’s senior U.S. senator Roy Blunt in next year’s midterm election has grown by one more candidate, with St. Louis trial lawyer and accidental 2A activist Mark McCloskey announcing his decision to run for the seat on Tucker Carlson’s show Tuesday evening.


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