Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Gun Control Howls, Gnashes Teeth When California's Rifle Ban Struck :: 06/09/2021

U.S.A. -( Gun control supporters are howling. They’re gnashing teeth with rage knowing that their “failed experiment” and labyrinth of lies came crashing down. Their gun grab is revealed for what it is – unconstitutional.


Pa. legislators set to pass concealed carry without a gun permit. Will it become law? :: 06/09/2021

A bill that would allow Pennsylvanians to carry a concealed handgun without a permit could soon be up for a vote in the state House.  


Reclaiming Responsible Gun Ownership From Anti-Second Amendment Extremists :: 06/09/2021

United States – -( Some anti-Second Amendment extremists have tried to play gun owners off against each other – a form of divide-and-conquer strategy. The Brady Campaign has notoriously used this approach over the years, saying it has no beef with “responsible gun owners,” just the “radical gun nuts” and the “gun lobby” who are endangering public safety.
The thing is… Second Amendment supporters – including loyal Ammoland readers – believe in responsible gun ownership.


Changing Times.. and the Victims of Gun Control :: 06/08/2021

We assume that tomorrow will be much like today. That is how we plan our lives and our politics. If we stop to think about it, we remember that the world surprises us all the time. We ignore that bad things happen because they happen so infrequently. Needing a fire extinguisher seems so unlikely.. until we smell smoke. This week, history reminded us how governments have hurt us. Consider these events and ask if the police were there to protect honest citizens, or would these citizens have been better off if they could defend themselves?


Florida Court Finds Firearms Seizure Violated Gun Owner's Rights :: 06/08/2021

Personal relationships have nuance. Work relationships have nuance. What happens when “work” relationships get “personal”? More nuance. The delicate matter of balancing what is harassing versus what is normal communications between friends, collogues, contacts, etc. when what is being said is not welcomed or appealing is a true minuet. The implications and effects of temporary restraining orders, final restraining orders, “red flag” orders, and so on are vast. A recent case out of Florida highlights many of the issues of firearm confiscation based simply on a “feeling”.


Gun owners set to rally at the state Capitol today :: 06/08/2021

Since Pennsylvania is an “open carry” state, gun owners who attend are allowed to hold their weapons on the front steps or other areas outside the building.


Media Lacks Any Neutrality Over Biden Gun Efforts :: 06/08/2021

 On Monday, the ATF rolled out a couple of things. In particular, their new direction on pistol stabilizer braces, something that will turn millions of law-abiding, gun-owning citizens into criminals. Cam talked about the specific policies already.


How Google Is Attempting to 'Newspeak' the English Language :: 06/07/2021

 In a social engineering move that seems straight out of the pages of George Orwell, Google recently introduced an update to its Google Docs platform that encourages users to use more “inclusive” language.


Mayor's Gun Control Proposal Would Disparately Harm Black Gun Owners :: 06/07/2021

This isn’t the first time that San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo has proposed requiring gun owners in the city to carry liability insurance or face fines for non-compliance, but this time around the mayor is hoping that the city council will be more receptive to the idea, even if it leads to a legal battle.


Turley: Growing Disconnect Between Anti-Gun Rhetoric & 2A Realities :: 06/07/2021

Most gun control advocates are going to vociferously disagree with constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley’s take on the decision by a federal judge on Friday that declared the state of California’s ban on so-called assault weapons as unconstitutional, but Turley’s take on the growing gulf between the gun control movement’s legislative goals and the clear text of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights can’t easily be dismissed.


Best Suggestion Yet Of What's Behind Surge In Violence :: 06/06/2021

The surge in violence that started last summer has kept on and has even grown worse this year. While things were nice and quiet during the lockdown, everything kicked up during the riots, and while that particular brand of violence sort of settled down eventually, the rest didn’t. It just kept on and on, spilling over into 2021.


California Dems sound off after judge slams 32-year ban on assault weapons as failed experiment :: 06/06/2021

California Democratic officials are pushing back after a federal judge in San Diego overturned the state’s 32-year ban on "assault" weapons, and in doing so, compared the type of gun to a Swiss Army knife.


How Chipman Could Be Confirmed Without Manchin's Support :: 06/06/2021

I’ve been thinking about this for the past couple of days, but I didn’t say anything publicly about my theory until I was on my buddy Mark Walter’s Armed American Radio on Friday afternoon.


California Handgun Sales Hit New Records During Pandemic :: 06/05/2021

According to The Sacramento Bee, citing data from The Trace, from March 2020 to April 2021 Californians purchased approximately 920,000 handguns compared to 555,000 in the prior 14 months. That’s a jump of nearly 66 percent.


Utah Sheriff's Deputies Won't Enforce Federal Gun Control :: 06/05/2021

The federal government is poised to pass some kind of gun control. They’re doing everything they can to cram something down our throats and the only saving grace is the filibuster, though there’s a significant push to swing enough Republicans over to make something happen.


After Chipman Flaunted His Antigun Bias Where Do Senators Stand? :: 06/04/2021

U.S.A. -( President Joe Biden’s nominee to head the bureau that has regulatory authority over the firearm industry admitted to the U.S. Senate he would ban firearms over enforcing laws a week ago and the question lingers. Does David Chipman have the votes?


California Assault Weapons Ban Struck Down :: 06/04/2021

A federal judge ruled Friday that California’s “assault weapons” ban is unconstitutional.


Everytown Buys Ads to Push for Universal Background Checks :: 06/04/2021

“These ads are a reminder that background checks aren’t a partisan issue, and that the vast majority of Americans support common sense steps to keep guns away from dangerous people,” John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in a statement. “Whether you’re talking to Republicans, Democrats, gun owners, or law enforcement, there is bipartisan support for strengthening background checks, and we’ll keep reminding Congress of that fact until we see action.”


Louisiana Constitutional Carry, with Veto Proof Votes, to go to Governor :: 06/04/2021

U.S.A. –-( The Louisiana legislature passed SB 118 with veto-proof majorities. The House sent the bill, with amendments to the Senate, after voting for it 73 to 27 on 27 May 2021.


NJ Attorney General's Office Offers Fake News About Mag Ban :: 06/04/2021

New Jersey has recently been under some investigation. One of my colleagues over at the Second Amendment Foundation’s (SAF) investigative journalism branch, Lee Williams, reported about a gross misuse of the Office of Attorney General (OAG). In his piece Williams points towards New Jersey attacking a company that is based in Florida over alleged shipments and sales of so-called “high capacity” magazines to buyers in New Jersey. The whole situation stinks of targeted and purposeful entrapment. From the report:


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