Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Why Straw Buys Are So Hard To Stop :: 08/12/2021

The murder of Chicago police officer Ella French has put the spotlight on the illegal practice of “straw purchasing,” which in essence simply means purchasing a firearm at retail for someone else rather than yourself. That’s allegedly how the French’s suspected killers obtained the .22 caliber pistol used in their crime; a friend from Hammond, Indiana went to a gun store, filled out the federal Form 4473 and passed the required background check before walking out with the handgun. The only problem is that Jamel Danzy allegedly lied on the 4473 when he affirmed that he was purchasing the firearm for himself and not for anyone else.


Ban Assault Religions: A First Amendment Analogy :: 08/11/2021

Every time there’s a mass casualty event involving an AR-pattern rifle in the United States, the usual suspects come out of the woodwork to push their gun control agenda while the victims’ bodies are still warm.


Cancel Culture, Wokeness Will Destroy Our Country :: 08/11/2021

The enabling tool of what we call “cancel culture” or “wokeness” is language.


Chipman's Backers On Judiciary Committee Took Money From Giffords :: 08/11/2021

Yesterday, Cam wrote about the story popping up everywhere about how Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee received donations from groups like the NRA. This, of course, was about as surprising as the press fawning over President Joe Biden eating ice cream. Yes, they got those donations but no, they didn’t make any difference.


They Let Us Down and It’s Hard to Trust Them Again :: 08/11/2021

As we grow up, age and mature, we come to think that there are some that we can count on to call it straight.  We can count on umpires to be neutral arbitrators of the strike zone.  We thought we could rely on the Supreme Court to judge all laws, all ideas, all thoughts, all regulations, and all speech according to the U.S. Constitution.  We thought scientists would pursue the truth.


Biden Administration Already Weaponizing ATF, Not Waiting for Chipman :: 08/10/2021

U.S.A.-( Even though Joe Biden’s nomination of David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has “issues” according to one senior Democrat, and is stalled in a Senate committee, the Biden/Harris Administration has started weaponizing the ATF without waiting for the president’s embattled nominee to take over.


NJ Pats Itself On The Back Over Gun "Buyback" :: 08/10/2021

The topic of gun “buybacks”, or the more appropriately term “compensated confiscations” coined by Cam, really does not get old. To be perfectly honest, I was going to pass on this one because I previously covered the announcement of the program over at AmmoLand Newsbut this was just too juicy to pass up. On Saturday August 7, 2021 a series of five compensated confiscation events occurred across New Jersey. The newly appointed acting Attorney General paired up with different cities and organizations to make this a reality.


Straw Buyer Of Gun Used To Kill Chicago Cop Faces Charges :: 08/10/2021

The federal government doesn’t really prosecute a lot of straw buyers. Part of the reason is that it’s often hard to determine who conducted a straw purchase and who just bought a gun and then later sold it or had it stolen. It’s kind of tricky to work out if it’s really a straw purchase or something else.


The Predators Among Us :: 08/10/2021

University of Chicago student Max Lewis was commuting to school on the Green Line Elevated Train when a bullet tore into his spine. A good Samaritan nurtured and consoled him until the paramedics came. An active and vibrant twenty-year-old, Lewis could only move his eyes when he awoke in his hospital bed. And with that, he communicated that he wanted the plug pulled. He did not want to live as a vegetable. He was ready to greet death.


An Armed Populace is the Bulwark of Liberty :: 08/09/2021

During the 20th century, more than 100 million people were exterminated by their own repressive governments, police states bent on destroying liberty and building communism, socialism, collectivism, and other worker utopias that turned out to be hells on Earth.


Bill Aims To Add ALL Semi-Automatic Rifles With Detachable Magazines To NFA :: 08/09/2021

Back when candidate Joe Biden was running for president, he had laid out several different things he wanted to do in the way of curbing so-called “gun violence”. Multiple times on episodes of Cam and Company, Cam stated we should be taking Biden at his word on what he wishes to do. From his wish list:


From Defund The Police To "Enforce All The Laws" :: 08/09/2021

What a difference a year can make. Last summer, at least six of the city council members in Providence, Rhode Island publicly backed defunding the city’s police department, and while the department is still standing (and officers actually got a pay increase in the latest budget), it took some time for the defund the police movement to die down.


Gun Rights Protest Leads To Free Speech Reform At College :: 08/09/2021

The Second Amendment and the First Amendment go hand-in-hand. After all, the Second Amendment is the insurance policy that helps preserve things like free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and so on.


Bill Aims To Add ALL Semi-Automatic Rifles With Detachable Magazines To NFA :: 08/08/2021

Back when candidate Joe Biden was running for president, he had laid out several different things he wanted to do in the way of curbing so-called “gun violence”. Multiple times on episodes of Cam and Company, Cam stated we should be taking Biden at his word on what he wishes to do. From his wish list:


Californians' faith in gun control slips in new poll - Los Angeles Times :: 08/08/2021

Amid a surge in shootings this year, a majority of California voters say that they believe gun control laws are effective in reducing violent crime, but confidence in them has slipped, according to a new UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times.


Gun Rights Protest Leads To Free Speech Reform At College :: 08/08/2021

The Second Amendment and the First Amendment go hand-in-hand. After all, the Second Amendment is the insurance policy that helps preserve things like free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and so on.


Why Are Permit Applications Up In A Constitutional Carry State? :: 08/07/2021

People in constitutional carry states generally still issue concealed carry permits. Just because you don’t need one in that state doesn’t mean you won’t need one in another, so they issue them for reciprocity’s sake. The only way you wouldn’t need one is if every state went permitless carry.


Why Are Red State Democratic Senators Voting for David Chipman? :: 08/07/2021

President Biden has had little trouble getting even the most controversial nominees confirmed.


A Pincer Movement on Guns :: 08/06/2021

Over six years ago, the Obama administration tried to use the ATF to ban steel- and alloy-based ammunition under the guise of banning “armor-piercing” ammunition. At the same time, the Obama EPA tried to regulate or ban lead ammunition under the Toxic Substances Control Act, an attempt that was smacked down by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Kevin D. Williamson at the National Review wrote a great article in 2015 about it titled, “A Pincer Movement on Ammunition,” which described the end goal of slowly making ammunition impractical to obtain.


Gun Company Profits Continue to Soar Alongside Sales :: 08/06/2021

Profits are up again for two major American gun companies.


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