Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Latest News

Two-Time Felon Defeated NY's Gun Control Laws :: 11/06/2021

Gun control is one of those things where we’re told it will work exactly as designed and we’re supposed to take proponents at their word. Over and over again, they tell us that we need these laws to stop bad people from getting guns. If it makes it harder for good people to get them, well, that’s just the price we have to pay.


Businesses Leave and Crime Increases While Massachusetts Legislators Pass More Gun Control Laws :: 11/05/2021

A new study confirms Massachusetts gun control laws achieved “no effect” on reducing violent crime even though legislators promised they would.


Cincinnati School Teaching REAL Gun Safety To Students :: 11/05/2021

The gun control lobby has tried to rebrand itself as a “gun safety movement” in recent years, though their idea of gun safety is really “don’t own one.” Real gun safety involves education and training, starting with the four basic rules:


POLITICO: Biden's Had A "Transformation" On Gun Control :: 11/05/2021

As recently as two weeks ago Joe Biden was publicly patting himself on the back for passing an “assault weapons” ban back in the 1990s. The president regularly says he wants to see Congress pass “common sense” gun control measures, including his proposed ban and compensated confiscation of tens of millions of legally-owned firearms. He nominated a gun control activist as head of the ATF, and the agency is currently formalizing the adoption of new regulations aimed squarely at legal gun owners.


ABC News Questions Why Minorities Are Buying Guns :: 11/04/2021

ABC News has been “Rethinking Gun Violence” for a little while now. Their series has mostly been talking about how we need more gun control or how guns are evil or things like that. I knew we’d get a number of stories off of the series, but they’ve given us a fair bit already.


BREAKING: ABC News Tells the Truth About AR-15 Style Rifles :: 11/04/2021

The media is learning, perhaps by pure accident, that the AR-15 isn’t the monster they’ve portrayed it to be. That’s a lesson that the rest of America learned long ago.


Media Continues Misleading Public on Nature of Rights :: 11/04/2021

U.S.A. – -( “When the Supreme Court first declared an individual right to gun ownership more than a decade ago, the court’s conservative majority relied on founding-era legal history to invalidate a D.C. law banning firearm possession in the home,” legal affairs “reporter,” Ann E. Marimow writes, relying on ubiquitous talking points and reader ignorance to perpetuate a lie. “Justice Antonin Scalia’s 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller drew fire from some conservatives who said the court was creating an individual right to gun ownership that it was not clear the Constitution granted.”


Two Pastors, Two Mass Shootings, Two Different Responses :: 11/04/2021

We should all be able to agree that houses of worship should be places we can feel completely and totally safe. However, that’s not the reality. Mass shootings can happen anywhere, and churches seem to be a popular target for the depraved minds that want to carry out such an attack for various reasons.


Biden Takes Aim at Gun Suicide With New Executive Actions :: 11/03/2021

Unable to pass significant gun-control legislation thus far, the President has announced his intention to target gun suicide through executive action.


Gun Control in Virginia Dealt Heavy Blow as Voters Turn to Republicans :: 11/03/2021

The prospects for new gun restrictions took a hit on Tuesday as Republicans swept the top elected post in the state.


Russian Hackers Dump Hundreds More NRA Internal Documents :: 11/03/2021

More NRA secrets may now be out in the wild.


The Supreme Court Has An Opportunity to Defend the Second Amendment | Opinion :: 11/03/2021

When it decides on NYSRPA v. Bruen—scheduled for oral arguments today—the Supreme Court will have a chance to stop governments from restricting the right to "bear arms."


Canadian Gun Confiscation Effort Already Overbudget Before Collecting Any Guns :: 11/02/2021

The Canadian “assault weapon” confiscation plan is struggling to get off the ground.


Civil Liberties Watch: Congress Really Wants a Look Into Gun Buyers' Bank Accounts :: 11/02/2021

Gun owners beware. Certain members of Congress believe if an individual buys too many guns, too much ammunition, or too many accessories, that person is a potentially dangerous criminal or a “domestic terrorist.”


Little Data Available On Origins Of Guns Used In Crimes :: 11/02/2021

Guns are used in the majority of violent crimes. This is an undebatable fact, unfortunately. However, it’s also a fact that doesn’t mean much in and of itself. There are a lot of things relating to that which matter far more, especially with regard to the debate over gun control.


NSSF: Another 1.4 Million Firearm Background Checks Were Processed in October, Second Most Ever :: 11/02/2021

The NSSF’s Mark Oliva tells TTAG that . . .


Chipman Spouts Lies to Smear the Firearm Industry :: 11/01/2021

U.S.A. -( David Chipman is proving – again – why he was never fit to be Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).


More Guns, Less Crime? New Hampshire Seems to Think So :: 11/01/2021

Even with one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the United States, New Hampshire is the lowest of states regarding murder rates, according to FBI data.


New Polls Show Biden Approval Tanking On Guns, Crime :: 11/01/2021

There’s not much good news for Joe Biden in two new polls from ABC and NBC. The president approval rating is plunging overall, and his handling of both crime and “gun violence” specifically are garnering some of the lowest ratings of any issues addressed in the polls.


Kyle Rittenhouse will argue self defense, but experts say proving it to a jury isn't easy :: 10/31/2021

Within hours of the shootings in Kenosha last year, supporters were clamoring that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self defense, and his lawyers said it was so obviously lawful self defense that charging him was nothing but a political move.


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