Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Rittenhouse Verdict Leads To Call To Repeal Second Amendment :: 12/01/2021

I’ve been covering the Second Amendment since way back in 2004, and I lost track long ago of the number of pundits who’ve written think pieces about repealing the Second Amendment. It’s a regularly occurring feature for fans of gun control, particularly when things aren’t going their way. Here’s one from March of this year. Another from back in May. Last year we even saw an entire book published that was all about repealing the Second Amendment. And now cartoonist and columnist Ted Rall has weighed in with his take on the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial by once again repeating the tired trope that the right to keep and bear arms is an anachronism that should be repealed posthaste.


Senate GOP Candidate Oz No Wizard When It Comes to Guns :: 12/01/2021

U.S.A. – -( “Celebrity surgeon Mehmet Oz is poised to shake up the Pennsylvania Senate race, bolstered by a vast personal fortune to invest in a 2022 campaign and enviable poll numbers that suggest the Republican would be an immediate front-runner,” the Washington Examiner reported Wednesday. “Oz, 61, has not decided whether to pull the trigger on a bid for the seat being relinquished by retiring Republican Sen. Pat Toomey. But if the television personality runs, he is prepared to back the effort with millions of his own money and would begin a campaign for the GOP nomination with stratospheric ratings among key demographics, a source close to Oz revealed in an interview…”


Gun-running Scandal Inside LAPD Fueled By California Gun Control Laws :: 11/30/2021

One of California’s screwier gun control laws is the fact that the state’s Department of Justice has to approve each and every handgun available for sale to civilians. Those guns that have been given the green light are placed on the state’s Handgun Roster, while “off-roster” models are off limits to the average Californian. No new models of handguns have been approved for sale to civilians since the state’s microstamping law took effect a decade ago, and dozens of existing pistols have been removed from the roster in the meantime.


How Gangs Drive Chicago's Violence :: 11/30/2021

Anyone with half a brain knows that violence in a city like Chicago isn’t the result of average citizens shooting each other in a fit of rage. It’s driven by very particular factors and particular groups. It’s almost like the 80/20 rule applies, only it’s not 20 percent of the population of the city that’s responsible for the violence. It’s actually a much smaller percentage.


The Left is Loco Over the Rittenhouse Verdict :: 11/30/2021

U.S.A.-( Just seconds after a Kenosha jury of five men and seven women found that Kyle Rittenhouse used his AR as it was intended, for self-defense, the anti-gun zealots went bonkers – crying, wailing and gnashing their teeth – nearly apoplectic with rage and disbelief.


Break-in Illustrates Why No-Knock Raids A Bad Idea :: 11/29/2021

The act of a “no-knock raid” is one that I personally don’t really subscribe to. Sure, I understand there are some (limited) circumstances when a no-knock raid could be warranted or useful. However, I’m seeing more and more the carnage left behind when the G-men come busting into someone’s home unannounced. A person’s home is their sanctum sanctorum and that’s not different for someone that allegedly committed a crime and is prime for arrest. A recent home invasion left the alleged criminal dead.


It's Wrong To Use Kenosha To Justify Gun Control :: 11/29/2021

Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty of murder by a jury of his peers. In the past, that would be enough to show people that he did nothing wrong. However, in the era where gun control is pushed regardless of logic, that’s simply not how it works anymore.


"Kyle's Law" Key To Liberating Citizens From Crime? :: 11/29/2021

I first read about an Oklahoma bill that’s been introduced in a middle of the night forward from a contact. Kyle’s Law is positioned to not only protect law abiding citizens, but it could also pave the way for a complete overhaul of our criminal justice system. Over at one of Bearing Arms’ sister site PJ Media, colleague Victoria Taft cites work by Attorney Andrew Branca, author of The Law of Self Defense PrinciplesThe page referenced is advocation of a very compelling concept. This concept is already seeing traction on some state levels.


Note To Biden: Gun Stores Aren't Responsible For Veteran Suicides :: 11/29/2021

Suicide is a serious problem, but it’s especially problematic among veterans. Many of the brave men and women who fought for our nation and survived find they can’t seem to make it through peace quite as well, so they claim their own lives.


Biden Using Veteran Suicides As Sick Pretext to Target Gun Dealers :: 11/27/2021

U.S.A. -( An estimated 21 veterans kill themselves every day. One would be too many. Twenty-one is cataclysmic.


ELDER: The Kyle Rittenhouse Case - Send In The Clowns :: 11/27/2021

During and after the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the white 18-year-old accused of murdering two white men and injuring another, one could hardly keep track of the insanity based on falsehoods recklessly peddled by media and politicians.


Fake News: CNN Reports Over 640 Mass Shootings in 2021 :: 11/27/2021

In an online story published Friday, CNN admits they used data from the debunked Gun Violence Archive to claim there have been 641 mass shootings in the United States during 2021 – an average of 1.94 mass shootings per day.


Lawmaker unveils bill to protect from 'malicious prosecution' in cases of self-defense: 'Kyle's law' :: 11/27/2021

An Oklahoma lawmaker unveiled new legislation this week meant to protect people from "malicious prosecution" in cases where they use self-defense.


Bill Introduced To Expand List Of Disqualifiers :: 11/26/2021

The Federal prohibitions on who may or may not purchase/possess a firearm are a subject of debate with many. On one side of the aisle we’re told that too many violent people are still able to get access to firearms. The other side might be saying “shall not be infringed” until blue in the face. Personally, just trying to report on this subject, I’ve been accused of being too “progressive” and that my views embrace unconstitutional provisions in the law. I imagine this’ll be no different. Just trying to get the details out in the open. What’s the subject today? Expanding who’s disqualified from firearm ownership.


Florida Agriculture Commissioner Abusing Her Position to Suspend 2A Rights :: 11/26/2021

USA – -( In a one-of-a-kind system unknown in other states, Florida’s wildly popular Concealed Weapon or Firearm Licensing program is overseen by the state’s Commissioner of Agriculture, in this case Nikki Fried.


'Gun Buybacks' Proof that Desperate 'Authorities' Need Scapegoats :: 11/26/2021

U.S.A. – -( “As city of Poughkeepsie officials continue to grapple with a rash of gun violence, and city school district leaders deal with the implications of a shooting incident outside its high school, a second gun buyback event through the Attorney General’s Office in less than six months is scheduled in the city for the beginning of next month,” the Poughkeepsie Journal dutifully promotes. “Letitia James’ office is holding the event, in association with the city police department, Dec. 4…”


Lori Saine and John Lott Jr.: Appeals court decision could upend Red Flag law in Colorado :: 11/26/2021

A new Colorado Appeals court decision will almost surely lead to the state’s new Red Flag law being struck down. The law allows judges to confiscate people’s firearms on nothing more than a hunch.


Teens Are Getting Guns Illegally In Pittsburgh :: 11/25/2021

Gun ownership is limited here in the United States, though some like to pretend otherwise. One of those limits happens to be age. People under the age of 18 cannot buy anything, whereas those between the ages of 18 and 21 can buy a rifle or shotgun, but not a pistol.


Some States Making JPMorgan Chase Pay for Anti-Gun Discrimination :: 11/24/2021

U.S.A. – -( “JPMorgan Chase & Co. was removed on Thursday from a $700 million Louisiana municipal-bond deal after the bank’s stance on guns drew criticism from state Republican officials,” Bloomberg News reports. “The decision came after state Treasurer John Schroder, a Republican, said his team was scrutinizing JPMorgan’s gun policies following Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon’s comments to a Congressional committee earlier this year that his firm won’t finance companies that make military-style weapons for consumers.”


Support for More Gun Control Falls, But Partisan Gap Grows :: 11/24/2021

According to a new Gallup poll, support for stricter gun control has fallen by 15 percentage points in just the last five years. But, despite the drop being driven by independents’ changing views, Democrats aren’t likely to rethink their support for more gun control. The partisan divide on this issue has never been so large — 91% of Democrats and only 24% of Republicans support stricter laws.


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