Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Pennsylvania's Constitutional Carry Law is Common Sense :: 12/07/2021

The same predictions of doom and bloodshed keep coming from gun-control activists. They warn us of pending disaster should Pennsylvania become the 22nd state to adopt so-called constitutional carry rules that would allow law-abiding adults who legally own a handgun to conceal-carry it without a permit. Thirty-four states, including Pennsylvania, already allow open carry without a permit.


Rittenhouse Case The Lies and the Truth :: 12/07/2021

A sobbing Kyle Rittenhouse collapsed after a jury acquitted him on all counts related to his shooting and killing two men, and wounding a third, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the Jacob Blake riots last year. But he wasn’t the only American relieved, or perhaps even surprised, given that the jury deliberated almost four full days. And though the jury’s message was clear — communist mobs will not be permitted to destroy cities and brutalize people who stand against them — it didn’t just spare Rittenhouse from life in prison.


Survey Finds Common Ground On Gun Control :: 12/07/2021

Right now, our nation is seriously divided. I won’t say it’s worse than ever, mostly because we’ve had an actual shooting civil war and we’re not in one at the moment, but it’s pretty bad. Finding common ground is next to impossible, it seems. Especially around certain subjects, like gun control.


China's Media Jump On Thomas Massie's Christmas Card Photo :: 12/06/2021

Rep. Thomas Massie has never made any bones about being pro-gun. He’s been so since he first entered public office and absolutely nothing has changed in the time since then.Over the weekend, Massie unveiled his family’s Christmas card photo. Unsurprisingly, it has the whole family. A bit more surprisingly, though, is the firepower everyone is holding.


Evidence Shows ATF Changed The Stabilizing Brace NPRM To Be Intentionally Vague :: 12/06/2021

A new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Gun Owners of America (GOA) shows that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) might have changed the wording on the proposed rule on pistol stabilizing braces to make it less clear on purpose.


Police Chief Group Pushing Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Propaganda :: 12/06/2021

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) claims to be the world’s largest and most influential professional association for senior police executives, and like many of its members and major donors, it is devoutly anti-gun.


Virginia: AG-Elect Miyares to Focus on Criminals, Not Gun-Owners :: 12/06/2021

With Virginia seeing rising crime rates and residents feeling like their outgoing leaders weren’t working to protect them, incoming NRA Endorsed Attorney General Jason Miyares has committed to putting an end to Virginia’s rising crime rates, stating:


Be Ever On Guard Of Government That Promises Safety Over Dangerous Freedom :: 12/05/2021

New York – -( Unlike the United Nations that doesn’t mention a natural right of armed self-defense in its Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), our Nation embraces it.


Full List of American War Weapons Lost In Afghanistan :: 12/05/2021

USA – -( No one has done more to strengthen the ability of the Taliban in their mission to perpetrate evil on the World than Joe Biden. While desperately trying to destroy the 2nd Amendment, Democrats are simultaneously handing over $83 billion worth of training and equipment to the enemy in a botched retreat from Afghanistan.


Rust Assistant Director Backs Up Baldwin's Account :: 12/04/2021

On Thursday, I wrote about Alec Baldwin‘s claim that he never pulled the trigger that fateful day on the set of the movie Rust. For a lof us, that seems very unlikely. Even single-actions tend not to fire unless the trigger is pulled. However, as noted in that earlier post, there is a possibility that it might.


Senator Grassley Blocks Gun Control on Senate Floor :: 12/04/2021

U.S.A. -( On December 2, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) attempted and failed to pass H.R. 8, the dangerously flawed, so-called “universal” background check bill. As you may recall, Nancy Pelosi and her anti-gun allies in the U.S. House passed this misguided legislation earlier this year. H.R. 8 would do nothing to prevent crime, could not be enforced without a federal gun registry, and would turn otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals for simply loaning a firearm to friends or family members.


United Nations Ignores Armed Self-Defense as a Basic Human Right; USA Embraces It :: 12/04/2021

New York – -( On December 10, 1948, the United Nations crafted a document, titled “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The document is a litany of 30 Rights (“Articles”) that ostensibly proclaims the dignity of the human being and his right to life, liberty, and security.


Fake News CNN Claims 641 Mass Shootings in 2021 – Wait What? Almost Two Per Day!? :: 12/03/2021

USA – -( In an online story published Friday CNN admits they used data from the debunked Gun Violence Archive to claim there have been 641 mass shootings in the United States during 2021 – an average of 1.94 mass shootings per day.


Gun Banners Rush to Exploit MI School Shooting; Watch for New Demands :: 12/03/2021

USA – -( Gun prohibitionists are moving swiftly to capitalize on the fatal school shooting in Oxford Township, Mich., that has now taken four students’ lives and left at least six other students and one adult, wounded, and the media now appears focused on how the 15-year-old suspect was armed with a pistol his father purchased with a background check just days before.


Murphy’s Slander Should Be Slammed :: 12/03/2021

United States – -( is nothing more predictable than the fact that anti-Second Amendment extremists will race to the nearest microphone to exploit a shooting at a school like the one at Oxford High School in Michigan recently.


Philly Columnist Calls For Month-Long Waiting Period On Gun Purchases :: 12/03/2021

“There oughta be a law” is the “thoughts and prayers” of the Left. In the wake of a high-profile shooting like the one in Oxford, Michigan this week that resulted in the murder of four high school students and injuries to several more, anti-gun Democrats are quick to criticize anyone who dares to oppose their “commonsense gun safety” proposals, even when their ideas would clearly have done nothing to prevent the crime from happening.


Former Miami Airport Employee Sentenced For Stealing Guns From Baggage :: 12/02/2021

Traveling with a gun can be extremely problematic unless you simply drive everywhere. Hopping on a plane, for example, requires you to check any firearms in your baggage. Further, you have to declare it when you check your luggage, meaning everyone who handles that bag is going to know there’s a gun in there.


Study Blames Pediatric Lead Levels On Gun Ownership :: 12/02/2021

On Tuesday, I wrote about what I thought was one of the most instances of correlation I’d ever seen a study try to make. After all, they tried to make the case that the lack of a gun purchasing permit requirement somehow led to more gun thefts.


Brady Partnership Displays Profound Hypocrisy :: 12/01/2021

Many gun control groups are spawned out of some level of tragedy and Brady is no exception. Founding after Jim Brady was shot with a bullet meant for President Ronald Reagan, the organization has been one of the leading gun control groups in the nation for decades. Within that movement, they probably have some degree of gravitas.


FPC Responds to 9th Circuit Court Upholding CA Magazine Ban :: 12/01/2021

U.S.A. -( Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) has issued the following statement in response to today’s misguided Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Duncan v. Bonta, which held that California’s law banning so-called “large-capacity magazines” (those that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition) is permissible under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, Takings Clause, and Due Process Clause:


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