Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Philadelphia’s Emphasis on ‘Gun Laws’ Guarantees Violence Will Continue :: 01/01/2022

“A rising tide of stolen guns helps fuel Philadelphia’s gun violence epidemic,” The Philadelphia Inquirer reports. “A surge in new gun owners and a spike in gun thefts from cars are contributing to the city’s gun violence crisis, police and experts say.”


ATF Threatens Customers of Diversified Machine Over Solvent Traps :: 12/30/2021

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has sent letters to customers of Diversified Machine informing them they might be in violation of the National Firearms Act of 1934.


Baltimore mayor resistent to mandatory minimums for carrying a gun :: 12/30/2021

The idea of mandatory minimums is that by dictating a set minimum sentence for committing a given crime, you’re making it clear that such offenses won’t be tolerated. In theory, it should help act as a deterrent for those crimes.


Even Beverly Hills seeing surge in gun sales :: 12/30/2021

Beverly Hills is considered to be the most exclusive address in the nation. The term is generally synonymous with wealth, more so than any other community in the nation.


Shutting down 'ghost gun' bans good for the Second Amendment :: 12/30/2021

So-called ghost guns are terrifying to someone who doesn’t believe in private gun ownership. After all, if people can make their own guns, then gun control as a concept simply cannot exist in any meaningful way except to disarm the law-abiding. After all, if criminals can just make their own guns, that’s precisely who will be alone in complying with the laws.


Anti-gun lawmaker asked to rethink gun control :: 12/29/2021

It’s rare that a politician rethinks a core part of their party’s platform. It’s especially true of anyone who has worked themselves up to any appreciable degree of power, be it at the state or federal level.



BELLEVUE, WA – A new Rasmussen poll showing Joe Biden has lost ground among likely U.S. voters for his handling of crime and law enforcement issues helps explain the continued interest in private gun ownership, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.


Preemption bill introduced in New Hampshire :: 12/29/2021

Preemption is one of those gun rights laws that are especially controversial, but probably shouldn’t be. I mean, it’s not saying you can’t have local gun control, it’s just saying that it has to be passed by the state legislature.


Prospects for Constitutional Carry in 2022 :: 12/29/2021

At the start of 2021 there were 16 members of the Constitutional Carry club in the United States of America. They were:


Carjacked congresswoman has a long history of embracing gun control :: 12/28/2021

Last Wednesday, Democratic Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon had her luxury SUV stolen at gunpoint by a couple of armed men in Philadelphia. As Cam noted, five people are facing charges after this brazen carjacking that happened in broad daylight at FDR park.


Crying Towel Time, Anti-Gunners 'Disappointed' in Biden's Non-Action :: 12/28/2021

The Hill is reporting that so-called “gun violence prevention advocates”—known to most people as gun prohibitionists—are “feeling disappointed” that Joe Biden, having served nearly one full year in office, has not made any progress on gun control.


SAF, CCRKBA Petition SCOTUS for Review of Maryland Semi-Auto Ban :: 12/28/2021

The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms have filed a petition for a writ of certiorari to the US. Supreme Court in a challenge of Maryland’s ban on modern semiautomatic rifles.


Why Anti-Second Amendment Forces Abhor & Fear Heller, But Not Bruen :: 12/28/2021

The U.S. Supreme Court, knows that the driving mechanism of the right of the people to keep and bear arms rests on the assumption, taken as axiomatic, self-evident true, that the right is grounded on the natural, fundamental right of armed self-defense that itself is inextricably bound to the basic right of self-preservation and personal selfhood, i.e., personal autonomy. The right exists inherently in each person as an individual Soul, as the Divine Creator intended.


In America’s violent cities, is self-defense the last civil right? :: 12/27/2021

As much as I love sipping political philosophies like fine wine, now isn’t the time. Of all the important questions to be asked in this manic hour, I offer this one: In America’s violent cities, is self-defense the last civil right or a path to the last rite? As violent crime rises and the leftists’ will to fight it plummets, we who are in the midst of daily destruction must make up our minds.


Massachusetts State Police rave over cap and ball pistol seizure :: 12/27/2021

It’s no surprise that the state of Massachusetts doesn’t like guns. They don’t like anyone having any kind of weapon in their state. That includes less-lethal weapons, which shows you just how little it has to do with saving lives.


Will Liberal Wing Of The High Court Continue or Remove Constraints via Bruen :: 12/27/2021

It is a rather curious thing, when one stops to think about it, that the broad right of self-defense, and the narrower fundamental right contained in it and inextricably bound to it—the fundamental, natural, and unalienable right of armed self-defense—would have to come up for review by the U.S. Supreme at all. After all, the right of self-defense/the right of self-preservation, and the concomitant natural right of armed self-defense are axiomatic; self-evident true.


With Tanking Poll Numbers, How Long Can Anti-Gun Biden Hang On? :: 12/27/2021

His attempt to appoint a gun control lobbyist to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives embarrassingly crashed last summer, his Build Back Boondoggle derailed last week, and his poll numbers sinking like lead in a hot tub. Can Joe Biden hang on or is he already a lame-duck unable to push an agenda that includes gun control as a priority?


ATF provides Christmas present to those buying NFA items :: 12/26/2021

The ATF is never going to be on anyone’s list of favorite federal agencies. For gun owners, they fall somewhere between the IRS and toe jam. After all, this is the agency that can and has turned lawfully purchased items into illegal goods with the stroke of a pen. None of us are going to like an agency that does something like that.


Kahr Arms Founder, Justin Moon, is 'Gun Rights Defender of Year' :: 12/26/2021

U.S.A.-( Justin Moon, founder and CEO of Kahr Arms, is the 2021 recipient of the Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms announced today.


The Big Government COVID-19 Lie :: 12/26/2021

On Oct. 30, 2020, just days before the presidential election, Joe Biden tweeted, “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”


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