Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

'Bipartisan' Gun Controller Fitzpatrick Shows Why Being 'Republica' is Not Enough :: 02/17/2023

“U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and U.S. Representatives Debbie Dingell and Brian Fitzpatrick Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Strengthen Provisions Closing the ‘Boyfriend Loophole’,” the Sierra Sun Times reports. “Would Prevent Convicted Stalkers from Purchasing Firearms.”

No, it would not either, any more than all the thousands of federal, state, county, and municipal citizen disarmament edicts have stopped criminal predators in Democrat-controlled urban enclaves from racking up the body counts. So right out of the starting gate, the gushing press release masked as news resorts to deceiving the ignorant.

The second lie is that the bill is “bipartisan,” implying across-the-aisle support. The only “Republican” signed on to it at this writing is Fitzpatrick. The other 180 co-sponsors are all Democrats.

“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,” Nancy Pelosi notoriously admitted about the “bipartisan” so-called “Affordable Care Act.” The same can be said at this writing for Fitzpatrick’s latest bit of treason because the text of the bill has not yet been released—so naturally, the Democrats are for it. But we can tell from the rhetoric and from past attempts to swindle Americans out of their birthright that, essentially, what they’re pushing for is ending private sales and expanding the number of citizens eligible to have their guns confiscated without due process.

Plus as noted, he’s tried it before, the last time garnering the “bipartisan” support of New Jersey’s Republican darling of the Brady Campaign, Chris Smith.

We also know the true goal of “background checks” from the Justice Department’s “Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies”:

“Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration…”

And what does registration lead to?

That this isn’t already happening is only because the Firearms Protection Act “prohibit[s] a registry of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions.” But relying on that presupposes it will always be that way, and that gun-grabbing Democrats (but I repeat myself), abetted by GOP “moderates,” aren’t on course to amass the votes to change that at the earliest opportunity.

This is hardly the first time Fitzpatrick has carried Democrat water.

He was one of two “Republicans” co-sponsoring a bill to allow male athletes who identify as transgender to compete in women’s sports. He was one of three trying to kill off businesses with a minimum wage hike. He tried to “close the bump stock loophole,” whatever the hell that is, and tried to disarm his countrymen old enough to serve in the military, marry and vote. He also previously attempted to expand due process-denying “red flag laws” to disarm anyone accused by their disgruntled date, voted against the party for more Democrat spending, and joined with six GOP turncoats to censure President Trump for disputing Joe Biden’s election.

And, of course, he doesn’t want the government to allow you to own semiautos.

It won’t be the last time Fitzpatrick will side with his BFFs across the aisle, either. Count on it.

And based on supporting candidates like party switch-hitter Arlen Specter, Pat Toomey, Tom Ridge, and Brian Fitzpatrick, a critical mass of Pennsylvania Republicans is demonstrably willing to throw gun owners under the bus in exchange for the false promise of “less government.” They’re the useful idiot “bourgeoisie” the Democratic Socialists are counting on being asleep. This also explains why disarming them is such a priority.

We’ve explained the danger of voting for Vichycons like Fitzpatrick before at AmmoLand, noting that allowing them to get away with it only encourages more of the same. The bottom line: Any gun owner who donates to the Republican Party instead of only to deserving candidates is self-defeating. As long as they do, there will be no incentive to change.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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