Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Times Square Gun-Free Zone Plans Leave the Obvious Unmentioned :: 09/15/2022

U.S.A. – -( “A few blocks from New York City’s famed Times Square, a roadside sign flashed a warning to anyone visiting the so-called crossroads of the world,” the U.S. edition of the UK’s The Guardian “reported” Sept. 3. “‘Times Square Gun Free Zone,’ the LED-style sign announced in all-caps orange lettering.

“Licensed gun carriers and others may not enter unless otherwise specifically authorized by law,” the warning flashed. “Violation of this prohibition is a felony.”

It’s all part of the city’s desperate maneuvering to defy the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling that overturned unconstitutional restrictions on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The strategy here is to designate “sensitive areas” pretty much wherever they want. Combine that with other infringements, like denying concealed carry permits based on arbitrary “social media history” judgments and it’s clear that the Democrats in charge have no intention of complying with the law.

They never did, of course, as the city’s long history of extreme citizen disarmament proves.

“Later today, the city will post temporary signage around Times Square informing those traveling through that the area is a gun-free zone, and licensed gun carriers and others may not enter with a firearm unless otherwise specially authorized by law,” an Aug. 31 edict from Mayor Eric Adams announces.

“Signage will be posted at other ‘sensitive locations’ in the near future,” the diktat further threatens.

Take that to mean you can’t have a permitted gun with you in a private automobile, either. The entire city is being turned into a “patchwork quilt” designed to make it impossible to travel within its limits without violating the law.

What was the whole point of Bruen, again?

And while “law-abiding” New Yorkers are scrambling to exercise their rights without ending up having their government (which supposedly exists “to secure the Blessings of Liberty”) take all their freedom away over citizen disarmament “violations,” there’s one population that never concerns itself overmuch with “commonsense gun safety laws”– except to exploit them by picking defenseless victims. I’m talking, of course, of the Big Apple’s criminal population, supposedly prohibited by law from having guns.

And how successful have those laws proven to be?

For the month of July 2022, the number of overall shooting incidents increased in New York City compared with July 2021, highlighting the continuing need to eradicate gun violence and end the perception among criminals that there are no consequences for violent crimes. Citywide shooting incidents increased by 13.4% (178 v. 157), driven by upticks in Brooklyn, southern Queens, and Staten Island. Additionally, the number of murders citywide increased for the month by 34.3% (47 v. 35) compared to the same period last year.

That’s despite arrests and firearms seizures also being up. Because so is an overall crime, up over 30 percent since a comparable period in 2021. So what would scream “Public Safety!” louder than the people who can’t stop predatory violence cracking down on a victim pool that potentially could — or would at least have a fighting chance if their “public servants” didn’t forbid it?

In fairness, chances are most wouldn’t. After all, New Yorkers voted their oppressors into power and by all accounts will continue to do so overwhelmingly. And not only that, the “leaders” they enable and the ideological sentiments they perpetuate are doing their damnedest to mandate their contemptibility on the rest of the Republic and turn it all into one big designated “sensitive area.”

By all means, continue with lawsuits to force the city into whatever level of compliance will p*** Democrats off the most, but the reality is, those who are willing enablers of tyranny make it awful damn hard to care if they all end up “hoist with their own petard.”

As an aside, does anyone know if Tucker Carlson has had a chance to modify his unwarranted admiration for Eric Adams yet? If you have the stomach for it, watch the following video and endure the plans of Mayor Adams, Gov. Kathy Hochul, Commissioner Keechant L. Sewell, and others as they prove themselves incapable of doing anything other than defying the Supreme Court and further trampling on the rights of anyone dumb enough to consent to their rule. Keep in mind throughout that it’s been under their watch that things have gone even more to hell.


About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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