Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
This legislation is targeted to helping veterans suffering from Domestic Violence.
Title: Violence Against Women Veterans Act
Subject: Armed forces and national security: Assault and harassment offenses: Crime victims: Crimes against women: Domestic violence and child abuse: Emergency medical services and trauma care: Government studies and investigations: Health care coverage and access: Sex offenses: Veterans' loans, housing, homeless programs: Veterans' medical care
Description: Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to take actions to improve assistance to veterans who experience domestic violence or sexual assault. Specifically, the bill requires the VA to implement a program to assist veterans who have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault in accessing VA benefits. The VA shall carry out the program in partnership with domestic violence shelters and programs, rape crisis centers, state domestic violence and sexual assault coalitions, and other appropriate service providers. The bill authorizes the VA to establish local coordinators to provide outreach under the program to effectively assist veterans who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault. The VA must consult with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a national task force to develop a comprehensive national program to address domestic violence and sexual assault among veterans by integrating VA facilities, services, and benefits into existing networks of community-based domestic violence and sexual assault services. The VA must consult with DOJ to conduct a national baseline study to examine the scope of the problem of domestic violence and sexual assault among veterans and spouses of veterans. Finally, the bill requires the Advisory Committee on Women Veterans to include in its biennial report an assessment of the effects of intimate partner violence on women veterans.
Session: 116th Congress
Last Action: Subcommittee Hearings Held.
Last Action Date: September 11, 2019
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
50 sponsors: Nydia Velazquez (D); Gil Cisneros (D); Adriano Espaillat (D); Derek Kilmer (D); Debbie Dingell (D); Bonnie Coleman (D); Grace Meng (D); Eleanor Norton (D); Jerry McNerney (D); Frank Pallone (D); Jose Serrano (D); Mark Pocan (D); Jackie Speier (D); Ben Lujan (D); Gregory Meeks (D); Seth Moulton (D); Judy Chu (D); Paul Tonko (D); Gwen Moore (D); Peter DeFazio (D); Ann Kuster (D); Andre Carson (D); Ron Kind (D); Anthony Brown (D); Jennifer Wexton (D); Mark DeSaulnier (D); Val Demings (D); Nanette Barragan (D); Ed Case (D); Chellie Pingree (D); Albio Sires (D); Lucille Roybal-Allard (D); Jamie Raskin (D); Alcee Hastings (D); Ro Khanna (D); John Yarmuth (D); Steve Cohen (D); Eddie Johnson (D); Adam Smith (D); Kathy Castor (D); James McGovern (D); Filemon Vela (D); Sheila Jackson-Lee (D); Tony Cardenas (D); Kendra Horn (D); Jahana Hayes (D); Veronica Escobar (D); Christopher Pappas (D); Mike Quigley (D); Matthew Cartwright (D)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Sep 11 2019 | Subcommittee Hearings Held. |
House | Aug 14 2019 | Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. |
House | Jul 19 2019 | Introduced in House |
House | Jul 19 2019 | Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. |
Type | Date | Federal Link | Text |
Introduced | Jul 31 2019 | federal bill text | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Committee Name:
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