Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

News from the front lines ... Harrisburg :: 01/19/2024

     Well gang, as expected the biased and anti-Constitution gang in the House Judiciary Committee, led by tyrant-in-chief Briggs passed five of the gun control bills out of the committee and reported them to the House floor.  As expected, the Democrats controlled the vote 14-11 straight party lines showing not one of them understand the meaning of the phrase "shall not be questioned" from our Commonwealth Constitution.  The five bills moving to the floor are as follows: 


House Bill 335 - An effort to outlaw binary triggers and bump stocks or slide fire devices.  The anti-gun crowd amended the original bill to remove any exceptions or grandfathering of already possessed devices and reported the bill as amended.  

House Bill 336 - An all out assault on the mythical "assault weapon" by naming most semi-automatic sporting rifles and many semi-automatic pistols as "assault weapons" and outlawing any future sales of these weapons.  Includes defining "large capacity magazines" as any device capable of holding more than ten rounds.  Surely setting the stage for future tyranny.  

House Bill 777 - A ban on unserialized frames, receivers, "do-it-yourself" kits, and other components used to privately manufacture firearms, labeling them the fictional title of "ghost guns" to vilify a tradition of private manufacture that goes back to before the birth of our nation.  Even King James approved of colonists privately manufacturing firearms, and yet here we see Democrats pushing to outlaw our fundamental right to self-defense.  

House Bill 1157 - A bill aimed at forcing a faster reporting of mental health adjudication, treatment, commitment, drug use or addiction, setting a maximum delay of four days.  This bill fails to even acknowledge that two recent decisions in Federal courts have struck down the section 302 commitment from barring possession of firearms.  Both cases represented by our attorney Joshua Prince, Esq. found the 302 commitment insufficient on grounds and lack of adjudication of the matter with no due process.

House Bill 1190 - An effort to ban all 3D printed firearms from private manufacture, requiring a license to manufacture firearms to use this technology.  Also a requirement to serialize such firearms, even when manufactured for personal use.  Another attack on the private manufacture of firearms, instilling fear in the common citizen by convincing them these firearms are somehow responsible for the acts of criminals or that these laws will somehow stop criminals from breaking other laws.  

There IS good news, though...  there are Democrats in the party who do not want these bills run on the floor.  The House is currently split 101 to 101 and so far ALL of the Republicans are holding fast.  There has been intense pressure placed on Representatives Hogan and Tomlinson in Bucks County but they're standing strong against the pressure.  The anti-gun crowd needs at least two Republicans to switch sides on this issue and it's not happening.  

A fake gun rights "group" in Pennsylvania is openly attacking Republicans over last year's votes that, while disappointing, died in the Senate.  Why they would do that when they are all standing strong on today's issues is beyond me, and we need to support every single one of them standing up for our rights here and now!  Without those same legislators we would be losing again on these five bills!  Ladies and gents, this fight is here until pro-gun legislators regain the upper hand in the House, and that won't happen unless we stand behind those who are fighting for us TODAY.  

Log into the WEBSITE  and go to Your PA Legislators to send them an email or make that phone call to voice your opinion.  Tell the Republicans you appreciate their stand for your gun rights and your freedom!  Tell the Democrats to keep their hands off of our God given/natural rights to self-defense and the protection of our loved ones and families against the very thing they are doing right now in the House!  Tyranny!  



With you in freedom,


Jim Stoker

President, FOAC Institute

Firearms Owners Against Crime ILLEA © 2025

P.O. Box 308 Morgan, PA 15064

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