Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

More than guns: 'Gunwalker' tests very legitimacy of administration's governance :: 06/16/2011

This afternoon, Congressman Darrel Issa (R-CA), as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, holds the first Congressional hearing devoted specifically to the growing scandal of "Project Gunwalker." As National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea explains , this hearing is merely the beginning, with a second already scheduled for Wednesday , and more in the works .

This sequence of hearings has clearly been carefully thought out, with today's laying the groundwork of establishing the administration's obligation to comply with congressional subpeonas--something it has stubbornly refused to do so far. Today's hearing, at 1:00 PM Eastern, is titled "Obstruction of Justice: Does the Justice Department Have to Respond to a Lawfully Issued and Valid Congressional Subpoena?" and will be covered on C-Span .

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