Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Federal Legislation Tagged With 'Concealed Carry' Tag

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 118th Congress

Title: National Constitutional Carry Act

Description: To enforce the rights protected by the Second and Fourteenth Amendments against the States.

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: September 11, 2024

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 118th Congress

Title: No Gun Rights Infringement Sham Act

Description: To prohibit any State that suspends open or concealed firearm carry licenses from receiving Federal financial assistance.

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

Last Action Date: September 27, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 118th Congress

Title: LEOSA Reform Act

Description: A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to improve the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 and provisions relating to the carrying of concealed weapons by law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: May 4, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 118th Congress

Title: Protect Against School Shootings Act PASS Act

Description: To amend the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 to permit qualified law enforcement officers, qualified retired law enforcement officers, and persons not prohibited by State law from carrying a concealed firearm to carry a firearm, and to discharge a firearm in defense of self or others, in a school zone.

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: April 3, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 118th Congress

Title: Safe Storage Lockers for House Office Buildings Act

Description: To permit employees of the House of Representatives who are authorized to possess certain weapons in the District of Columbia to bring such weapons into House Office Buildings for secure storage, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Oversight.

Last Action Date: September 12, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 118th Congress

Title: Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2023

Description: A bill to allow reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms.

Last Action: Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 10.

Last Action Date: February 2, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 118th Congress

Title: LEOSA Reform Act of 2024

Description: To amend title 18, United States Code, to improve the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act and provisions relating to the carrying of concealed weapons by law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: May 20, 2024

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 118th Congress

Title: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

Description: To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a means by which nonresidents of a State whose residents may carry concealed firearms may also do so in the State.

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: January 9, 2023

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 117th Congress

Title: A bill to extend concealed carry rights to Federal judges and prosecutors.

Description: A bill to extend concealed carry rights to Federal judges and prosecutors.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: June 24, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 117th Congress

Title: LEOSA Reform Act

Description: A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to improve the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 and provisions relating to the carrying of concealed weapons by law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: May 13, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 117th Congress

Title: Law Enforcement Officers Safety COVID Extension Act of 2021

Description: To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide an exception for certain qualified retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Last Action Date: November 9, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 117th Congress

Title: Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2021

Description: A bill to allow reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: April 29, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 117th Congress

Title: Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act

Description: A bill to amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to more comprehensively address the interstate transportation of firearms or ammunition.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: March 2, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 117th Congress

Title: LEOSA Reform Act

Description: To amend title 18, United States Code, to improve the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act and provisions relating to the carrying of concealed weapons by law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Last Action Date: April 28, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Session: 117th Congress

Title: No Congressional Gun Loophole Act

Description: To amend title 40, United States Code, to prevent Members of Congress and their employees from carrying firearms in the Capitol building, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management.

Last Action Date: February 4, 2021

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 117th Congress

Title: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

Description: To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a means by which nonresidents of a State whose residents may carry concealed firearms may also do so in the State.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Last Action Date: March 1, 2021

this is an anti-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: To amend title 40, United States Code, to prevent Members of Congress and their employees from carrying firearms in the Capitol building, and for other purposes.

Description: To amend title 40, United States Code, to prevent Members of Congress and their employees from carrying firearms in the Capitol building, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management.

Last Action Date: December 29, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: Protect Our Prosecutors and Judges Act of 2020

Description: A bill to establish appropriate rules for prosecutors and Federal judges to carry a concealed firearm.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: August 5, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: U.S. Military Right to Carry Act

Description: A bill to encourage States to permit members of the Armed Forces who are outside of the State under orders to renew a permit to carry a concealed firearm through the mail, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: July 23, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: U.S. Military Right to Carry Act

Description: To encourage States to permit members of the Armed Forces who are outside of the State under orders to renew a permit to carry a concealed firearm through the mail, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: July 21, 2020

this is an anti-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020

Description: Makes various changes to the federal framework governing the sale, transfer, and possession of firearms and ammunition. Among other things, the bill does the following: generally requires individuals to obtain a license to purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition; raises the minimum age—from 18 years to 21 years—to purchase firearms and ammunition; establishes new background check requirements for firearm transfers between private parties; requires law enforcement agencies to be notified following a firearms-related background check that results in a denial; creates a statutory process for a family or household member to petition a court for an extreme risk protection order to remove firearms from an individual who poses a risk of committing violence; restricts the import, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices; restricts the manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, or receipt of ghost guns (i.e., guns without serial numbers); makes trafficking in firearms a stand-alone criminal offense; requires federally licensed gun dealers to submit and annually certify compliance with a security plan to detect and deter firearm theft; removes limitations on the civil liability of gun manufacturers; allows the Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue safety standards for firearms and firearm components; establishes a community violence intervention grant program; and promotes research on firearms safety and gun violence prevention.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Last Action Date: March 10, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: SAFER Voter Act. Second Amendment For Every Registrable Voter Act

Description: Reduces the minimum age—from 21 years to 18 years—at which an individual may obtain a handgun from a federally licensed gun dealer, manufacturer, importer, or collector.

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: January 30, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: Safe Bases Act

Description: Provides statutory authority for the Department of Defense (DOD) to allow a service member to carry a concealed firearm while on any military installation. DOD must establish a single authority within the department to issue permits for this purpose. To be eligible for a permit, the service member must be on active duty and must not be prohibited under federal law from purchasing, owning, or possessing a firearm.

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.

Last Action Date: January 29, 2020

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Session: 116th Congress

Title: Raising awareness and encouraging the prevention of stalking by expressing support for the designation of January 2020 as "National Stalking Awareness Month".

Description: This resolution expresses support for the designation of National Stalking Awareness Month. Additionally, it does the following: applauds the efforts of service providers, police, prosecutors, national and community organizations, campuses, and private sector supporters to promote awareness of stalking; encourages increased awareness of stalking and the availability of services for stalking victims; and urges national and community organizations, private businesses, and the media to promote awareness of the crime of stalking through National Stalking Awareness Month.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Last Action Date: February 7, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: A resolution raising awareness and encouraging the prevention of stalking by designating January 2020 as "National Stalking Awareness Month".

Description: This resolution designates January 2020 as National Stalking Awareness Month. Additionally, it does the following: applauds the efforts of service providers, police, prosecutors, national and community organizations, campuses, and private sector supporters to promote awareness of stalking; encourages increased awareness of stalking and the availability of services for stalking victims; and urges national and community organizations, private businesses, and the media to promote awareness of the crime of stalking through National Stalking Awareness Month.

Last Action: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (text: CR (01/21/2020) S437)

Last Action Date: February 27, 2020

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: Servicemembers Self-Defense Act of 2019

Description: A bill to amend titles 10 and 18, to permit members of the Armed Forces to possess firearms on military installations in accordance with applicable State law, and for other purposes.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.

Last Action Date: December 19, 2019

this is an anti-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: School Security Enhancement Act

Description: Allows local educational agencies to use specified portions of Student Support and Academic Enrichment grants for planning and designing school buildings and facilities, installing infrastructure, and implementing other measures to strengthen security on school premises. The bill prohibits the use of grant funds for the provision of a firearm or training in the use of a firearm.

Last Action: Referred to the House Committee on Education and Labor.

Last Action Date: October 31, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: Firearm Lockbox Protection Act of 2019

Description: Allows the General Services Administration, upon request of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, to provide a secure firearms storage facility at the official duty station of each judge or justice for any lawfully possessed firearm by the judge or justice. Agencies that employ an administrative judge must provide a secure firearms facility at the principal duty station of that judge for any lawfully possessed firearm by the judge.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Last Action Date: November 15, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to permit certain individuals complying with State law to possess firearms.

Description: Modifies the criminal prohibition on possession of a firearm in a school zone. Specifically, it revises an exception to permit an individual to possess a firearm in a school zone if that individual is in compliance with the laws of the state and political subdivision in which the school zone is located.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: May 16, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: Police Officers Protecting Children Act

Description: Specifies that certain retired and off-duty law enforcement officers who are authorized to carry concealed firearms are not subject to the federal prohibition on possessing (or discharging) a firearm in a school zone.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Last Action Date: April 8, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2019

Description: Allows a qualified individual to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed handgun in another state that allows its residents to carry concealed firearms. A qualified individual must (1) be eligible to possess, transport, or receive a firearm under federal law; (2) carry a valid photo identification document; and (3) carry a valid state-issued concealed carry permit, or be eligible to carry a concealed firearm in his or her state of residence.

Last Action: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Last Action Date: January 9, 2019

this is an pro-gun bill


Session: 116th Congress

Title: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2019

Description: Allows a qualified individual to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed handgun in another state that allows individuals to carry concealed firearms. A qualified individual must (1) be eligible to possess, transport, or receive a firearm under federal law; (2) carry a valid photo identification document; and (3) carry a valid concealed carry permit issued by any state or be eligible to carry a concealed firearm in his or her state of residence. Additionally, the bill specifies that a qualified individual who lawfully carries or possesses a concealed handgun in another state (1) is not subject to the federal prohibition on possessing a firearm in a school zone, and (2) may carry or possess the concealed handgun in federally owned lands that are open to the public.

Last Action: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

Last Action Date: January 3, 2019

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