Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Gillum Trial Highlights Ethics of Gun Prohibitionists & the Company They Keep :: 04/22/2023

“Rising Democratic star faces 17 counts of fraud, lying to FBI during bid against DeSantis,” Fox News reported Thursday. “Andrew Gillum … was on trial in a federal court in Tallahassee on Tuesday, when prosecutors argued he committed various crimes during his run for governor.”

Per the Assistant U.S. Attorney prosecuting the case, Gillum used campaign funds to finance his mortgage, expensive car payments, and private tuition for his children, that is, he was “deceiving donors (and) stealing from his own campaign.”

What this has to do with gun owners should be evident from the words “rising Democratic star.” Among other things, CNN described Gillum during the Florida governor’s race as “a Bernie Sanders-backed progressive who championed ‘Medicare-for-all’ single-payer health insurance,” that is, a socialist.

It follows that he’s also a wannabe gun-grabber, as AmmoLand News noted in a 2018 report.

“When we win, we are going to ban assault weapons in Florida,” Gillum threatened on Twitter.

That threat turns ominous when considered against Gillum’s backing by the Democratic Socialists of America and when that is considered against DSA Songs (preserved via the Internet Archive) with lyrics like:

Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie,
And when the revolution comes,
We’ll kill you all with knives and guns,
Bourgeoisie, Bourgeoisie

It does explain why they don’t want the productive propertied class armed.

Fortunately for gun owners, Gillum didn’t win, but only by a slim margin of 33,000 votes out of over 8M cast (under half a percentage point). That’s all that stood between a Florida governed by a collectivist gun-grabber and Ron DeSantis. Forget vetoing the admittedly incomplete (it omitted open carry) permitless carry bill that DeSantis signed—Gillum would have been leading the prohibitionist mob to ratchet up more restrictions.

And that’s especially sobering when considering the quality of character Democrats will vote for and give power to, especially in light of an incident in 2020 reported by The Washington Free Beacon that can alternatively be described as “bizarre” and “disgusting.” Gillum was found unconscious in a hotel room “littered with drug paraphernalia, stained bedding, and towels,” along with two other men (one reportedly a “gay porn actor/escort”) and “three bags of what police said was crystal methamphetamine, as well as numerous prescription drugs, including a vial of papaverine, phentolamine, and alprostadil, a mixture commonly injected into the penis by men suffering from erectile dysfunction.”

Curiously, he was not arrested, as anyone of lesser connections would expect to be, but was allowed to return home and later go through the motions of “entering rehab.” It could be argued the success of that rehabilitation, at least the moral part, has manifested itself in the alleged behavior resulting in Gillum’s current legal predicament.

Time and again gun owners see Democrat politicians who can’t – or won’t – control themselves, demanding coercive control over citizens who do not share their moral defects. Some of it may be projection, not trusting others because they know they can’t be trusted, but more often than not, recalling examples like Marion Barry, Leland Yee, or your criminal Bloomberg mayor of choice, it’s because they’re just corrupt.

That their useful idiot constituents keep voting for them, even knowing what they are, suggests Democrats get the government (and the crime) that they deserve (but the rest of us don’t). It also says much about how far the Republic has degenerated since John Adams addressed the Massachusetts Militia

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

That leaves out Everytown and the Demanding Moms for Gillum.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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