Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Blogger Vanderboegh reports murdered ICE agent investigating Fast & Furious :: 06/16/2012

In a second bombshell report this week, citizen investigative journalist Mike Vanderboegh is reporting this morning on the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog that Congressional investigators have viewed "an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Report of Investigation (ROI) from August 2010 describing 80 weapons seized in an arms smuggling interdiction between Phoenix, Arizona and San Antonio, Texas. Of these weapons, the majority (approximately 50) were noted to have come from Operation Fast & Furious in Arizona..."

"The ROI was written and signed by Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent Jaime Zapata, who was shot dead in an ambush at a fake roadblock in San Luis Potosi, Mexico on 15 February 2011," Vanderboegh reveals.

While the weapons found at the Zapata murder scene were not from among the Fast and Furious guns, this revelation is profoundly significant, because it directly contradicts sworn testimony by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

"I have no information to that effect, no. I don't know one way or the other," she replied to a direct question on any Fast and Furious connection by Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas. Insider sources tell Vanderboegh DHS "is covering up something big" and that "both DHS and DOJ are 'in a deep panic' that 'their carefully contrived cover-up is breaking down.'"

Vanderboegh has contacted the offices of Rep. McCaul and Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, for comment, with no response at this writing.

"This may be the most important story I've written this year, and once again I ask my readers to help me get the truth out around the roadblock of the dinosaur media," Vanderboegh writes in a postscript to his story.

"We are at a critical juncture here," he tells Gun Rights Examiner. "You need to let your readers know that, and ask them to once again call their congressmen, especially if they're on the [House Oversight and Government Reform] Committee, to beat them up and make them aware there will be a political price for not voting for contempt."

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