Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

Biden Claims’ the USA Is A Killing Field :: 07/11/2022

On Monday, President Joe Biden claimed that everyday places in America are killing fields while celebrating the passage of the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.”

The President signed the gun control bill into law last month. Biden said that this bill isn’t the end to his anti-gun agenda, but it was “an important start,” hinting at further gun control actions the President will push Congress to pass. In the past, Biden has said he wanted a ban on most semi-automatic rifles, magazine capacity limitations, and a ban on body armor. Democrats in the Senate will start applying pressure to their Republican colleges to pass such prohibitions and restrictions.

The President hosted anti-gun activists and victims of mass killings from Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Tucson, Sandy Hook, Parkland, Santa Fe, Uvalde, Buffalo, and Highland Park. He vows to keep pushing his anti-gun agenda but did take a victory lap by pointing out that the new anti-gun legislation is the most extreme anti-gun act since 1994. In 1994, Bill Clinton passed the “assault weapons” ban that sunset in 2004. Biden would like to bring that ban back and expand it.

Biden claimed the new legislation would have saved lives if it was already in effect. The President did not offer any data to back up his claims, nor do we expect the President to provide any. Gun owners are still waiting for the President to release the proof the canons were banned during the signing of the Constitution, a claim he has made on at least four occasions even though it was constantly debunked.

“It will not save every life from the epidemic of gun violence, but if this law had been in place years ago, even this last year, lives would have been saved. It matters. It matters. But it’s not enough, and we all know that” Biden said during public remarks.

The “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” provides funding for so-called “Red Flag” laws.

Gun-rights advocates and civil liberties activists have scrutinized these laws because of the lack of due process in these laws. These groups claim that statutes such as extreme risk protection orders (ERPO) run afoul of the Constitution and violate several provisions of our founding documents.

Another part of the act that concerns gun rights groups is the closing of the so-called “boyfriend loophole.” The new law states that if someone “dates” or have “recently dated” a prohibited person, they too become prohibited from having a firearm. This law could put a stalking victim in danger. Most stalkers are ex-boyfriends of girlfriends. If the stalker was prohibited, their victim is now stripped of their gun rights, removing the most effective tool for self-defense.

Many have also pointed out that this is guilt by association. Many totalitarian regimes use one’s associations against them. In North Korea, if a family member is found guilty of a crime, the whole family is punished for that person’s apparent transgressions. This law punishes the significant other for the crimes of their partner. Many have also compared the law to China’s social credit score.

During his press conference, the President was interrupted by Manuel Oliver. Oliver lost his son in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School attack and has become an anti-gun extremist. He does not believe that the President has done enough to push for gun control. Biden is the most extreme anti-gun President in history, but Oliver will not settle for anything except for a repeal of the Second Amendment.

Biden said he would continue to push for more gun control. The Bruen decision could put any of the President’s wish list for gun control measures in the crosshairs.

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