Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

ATF whistleblower site members not buying Holder's 'Fast and Furious' testimony :: 06/11/2012

Weekend reactions from CleanUp ATF forum comment posters to Attorney General Eric Holder 's Thursday testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on the Fast and Furious "gunwalking" criminal operation show disbelief, anger and contempt. The website, established by so-called "dissident" ATF agents and whistleblowers to expose and rectify agency waste, abuse, corruption and fraud, was the initial source for information about walked guns found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, and much further information has been obtained from its members throughout the courses of Congressional and media investigations.

"Watching the latest soap starring Eric Holder...who apparently thinks the rest of us are just too damned stupid to figure out that the use of 'fast and furious' DOES actually indicate OPERATION 'fast and furious' is being referenced," member Excalibur-2112 observed in a thread titled "Looks like the dope finally stepped in it...Eric Holder ."

"This man needs to be impeached, prosecuted here in the states then handed over to the sovereign nation of Mexico for terrorist crimes against the Mexican people who died because of his failed attempt to push more gun control," he concluded.

"It's amazing how much AG Holder knows about all the other subjects he was questioned about - but for Fast and Furious, he knows nothing, doesn't remember anything, his people didn't know anything, and he doesn't want to find out anything.... and Bush did it first!" forum member Ike replied, echoing a common reaction to the testimony.

"After that embarrassing foolishness aka testimony by the Attorney General, ISSA Decides enough is enough," CleanUpATF staff moderator Iceman weighed in. "This is going to be a great 4th of July. Why is this important? Because as long as Mr. Holder get away with lies and incompetence, SO WILL ATF SENIOR managers. Accountability works."

That's an important date, because House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa has established it as a deadline for a contempt citation against AG Holder.

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