Firearms Owners Against Crime

Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action

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Conservative Justices Declined to Take Up Second Amendment Case after Roberts Signaled He Would Side with Liberals: Report :: 07/28/2020

The conservative wing of the Supreme Court reportedly declined to take up a case dealing with Second Amendment rights after Chief Justice John Roberts indicated that he would vote with the court’s liberal justices.


How Does New York City Get Away With This? :: 07/28/2020

“Under New York law, it is a crime to possess a firearm,” held the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in U.S. v. Sanchez-Villar (2004). This ruling was based on the state’s ban on the possession of an unlicensed handgun. This Court also said that police officers who see a gun are “justified in seizing it because of its ‘immediately apparent’ incriminating character.” This prohibition did not offend the Second Amendment, said this ruling, because “the right to possess a gun is clearly not a fundamental right.”


Judge Orders Police to Hand Over Private Information About Gun Owners :: 07/28/2020

The New York State Supreme Court last week granted a motion ordering the New York City Police Department (NYPD) to turn over the name, zip codes and license category of anyone who was granted a firearm license in 2018. 


Maryland: Anti-Gun Group Demands Indefinite Delay for Firearm Transfers :: 07/27/2020

U.S.A. -( An anti-gun group expressed support in their newsletter for changing Maryland law to allow for regulated firearm transfers to be delayed indefinitely. This was prompted by the state’s background check system becoming temporarily inoperable recently. Maryland law allows firearm dealers to transfer regulated firearms after waiting seven days if Maryland State Police (MSP) does not make a determination on the background check. As a result, dealers transferred a number of regulated firearms after the seven-day wait expired, exactly as allowed by law.


The 40 Percent Myth (Repost-1/24/2013) :: 07/27/2020

The figure gun-control advocates are throwing around is false.  Gun-control advocates have recently been throwing around an impressive new number. President Obama used it last Wednesday, claiming: “as many as 40 percent of guns are purchased without a background check.”


The Chicago Gun Myth :: 07/27/2020

The tragically incompetent mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, appeared on CNN’s State of the Union this weekend to deflect attention from the horror show unfolding in her city by blaming interlopers for its spiking murder rate: “We are being inundated with guns from states that have virtually no gun control, no background checks, no ban on assault weapons — that is hurting cities like Chicago.”


UN Issues Warning Over Law Enforcement Response To Riots :: 07/27/2020

Here in the United States, we’ve seen law enforcement get a lot of flak from the left. While rioter have destroyed communities, businesses, and lives, we have had the left put all of the blame squarely on law enforcement. It seems that police in New York City are to blame for the death of George Floyd, the same as police in every other major city in the nation.


Democrats Must Control Speech & Firearms to Control Americans :: 07/26/2020

U.S.A.-( The Radical Left Democrats, Collectivists all, are sly, deceitful creatures. They erode our fundamental rights under the cloak of morality and pragmatism, hoping that few Americans will notice.


NSSF Welcomes State Department Removing Suppressor Export Obstacle :: 07/26/2020

U.S.A. -( NSSF, the trade association for the firearm industry, lauded the decision of the U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) to rescind the 2002 policy that blocked the export of firearm suppressors to overseas markets. NSSF has championed the effort to remove the policy which has only harmed U.S.-based suppressor manufacturers.


What Does A Biden Presidency Mean to Americans - Part One :: 07/26/2020

U.S.A.-( Electing Donald Trump to a second term this November is as critical to our Nation’s preservation as the outcome of the American Revolution was to our Nation’s creation.


Banks Continue War Against Gun Industry :: 07/25/2020

In recent years, the financial industry has seemingly been at war with the firearm industry. This war has involved banks and other financial institutions severing all ties with various gun companies, not because these companies did anything wrong, illegal, unethical, or against their policies. No, their only crime is being in the wrong business.


Big City Exodus: What That May Mean For Gun Rights :: 07/25/2020

As things currently stand, there are assumptions you can make about people’s gun politics based on where they live. For example, if they live in a large city, they’re more likely to be anti-gun. By contrast, those in rural American tend to support the Second Amendment.


Gun Control Groups Demand More Laws, Less Enforcement :: 07/25/2020

The Trump administration’s plans to expand a surge of federal law enforcement into cities beset by a spike in violent crime is coming under criticism from gun control groups, even though the program called “Operation LeGend” ultimately amounts to greater enforcement of the very gun control laws that they helped to put on the books.


Media Ignores Bias Of The Trace :: 07/25/2020

When it comes to The Trace, anyone who cares to look can see their biases. After all, they’re funded by Michael Bloomberg and their journalism almost universally takes an anti-gun lean. While they claim to be “an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit newsroom dedicated to shining a light on America’s gun violence crisis,” we all know where their biases lie.


Senator Gary Peters joins Gabby Giffords and calls for gun safety :: 07/25/2020

Senator Gary Peters joined former congresswoman Gabby Giffords on her tour of gun safety.


How AMA's Position On Guns Hurt Their Case On COVID :: 07/24/2020

Right now, COVID-19 is still running around and an awful lot of people just don’t care anymore. To be fair, most people who catch it will fully recover without any issue. Not everyone will, though, particularly those with comorbidities. People like pretty much everyone else in my family.


News Outlets Turn a Blind Eye on The Trace's Anti-Gun Bent :: 07/24/2020

NPR, Politico, Time, and Scientific American are unlikely ever to pay an NRA employee to write news articles about gun control. But they have no problem hiring people who work for The Trace, a Michael Bloomberg-funded gun control organization. Even in the very hypothetical case that these publications did use an NRA-influenced article, they would undoubtedly include a disclaimer warning readers of the possible bias.


Parishioner Who Stopped Texas Church Shooter Criticizes Bloomberg on Gun-Control Efforts :: 07/24/2020

The armed parishioner who took down a shooter at a Texas church in December criticized former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control efforts on Wednesday.


The Media Can't Stop Misleading on Guns :: 07/24/2020

With the possible exception of religion, there is no issue in American political life that is as poorly covered as guns. At RealClearPolitics, John Lott reports that legacy media outlets often quite literally allow anti–Second Amendment activists to write their news stories on gun policy. Politico hasn’t quite done that today, but . . . well, I’m not sure having reporters dutifully repackaging Everytown USA press releases is any better.


Americans Are Buying Guns in Record Numbers. The Washington Post Isn't Pleased. :: 07/23/2020

Americans Are Buying Guns in Record Numbers. The Washington Post Isn't Pleased.  Social scientists have been trying for many years to blame homicides on the presence of guns. A favorite tool in this quest is the use of studies that show a correlation between gun ownership and crime. These studies are then reported as "evidence" that the presence of guns causes crime.


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