Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action
Allows employees of companies to carry firearms to and from work and park on company property. Provides civil protections for employers against misuse of firearms. Provides protections for employees who are discriminated against by employers who ignore the law.
Sponsor: Jeff Pyle
Title: Providing for the possession of firearms in motor vehicles; prohibiting certain acts; imposing duties on employers; and providing for civil immunity under certain circumstances and for enforcement.
Description: An Act providing for the possession of firearms in motor vehicles; prohibiting certain acts; imposing duties on employers; and providing for civil immunity under certain circumstances and for enforcement.
Session: 2013-2014 Regular Session
Last Action: Referred to JUDICIARY
Last Action Date: January 30, 2013
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
60 sponsors: Pyle, Jeffrey P.; Bloom, Stephen; Miller, Ron; Metcalfe, Daryl D.; Brooks, Michele; Knowles, Jerry; Moul, Dan; Tallman, Will; Keller, Mark K.; Cutler, Bryan; Aument, Ryan P.; Kortz, II, William C.; Reed, Dave; Kauffman, Rob W.; Hickernell, David S.; Haluska, Gary; Swanger, RoseMarie; Saccone, Rick; Metzgar, Carl Walker; Causer, Martin T.; Dunbar, George; Marshall, Jim; Pickett, Tina; Godshall, Robert W.; Lawrence, John A.; Major, Sandra; Millard, David R.; Harkins, Patrick J.; Sainato, Chris; Oberlander, Donna; Everett, Garth D.; Reese, Mike; Hess, Dick L.; Fleck, Mike; Harris, C. Adam; Readshaw, Harry; Emrick, Joe; Gabler, Matt; Benninghoff, Kerry A.; Clymer, Paul I.; Mullery, Gerald J.; Rock, Todd; Grove, Seth M.; Cox, Jim; Costa, Dom; Stevenson, Richard R.; Evankovich, Eli; Roae, Brad; Gillen, Mark M.; Gibbons, Jaret; Christiana, Jim; Ellis, Brian L.; Helm, Susan C.; Maloney, David M., Sr.; Farry, Frank A.; Mustio, T. Mark; Krieger, Tim; Sonney, Curtis G.; Denlinger, Gordon; James, Harold
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Jan 30, 2013 | Referred to JUDICIARY |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Introduced | not available | state bill text | bill text |
Introduced | not available | state bill text | bill text |
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